The New Marketplace - A Patient's Perspective

Driven largely by the high rate of smartphone adoption, digital communication is revolutionising how patients interact with their healthcare provider.  Smartphones haven’t just transformed how people find your business but also how they do business inside your four walls. 

 Patients come armed!

 With a quick online search, patients can find all the healthcare information they need, from which service providers are situated in their area, to reviewing their symptoms and the treatments available, to reading feedback on services received by past patients.

 And make no mistake, this is expected to grow as is evident in the increasing number of service comparison websites available across all industries and product categories – including medical services - and our increasing appetite to participate with our own reviews.

 Patients are more empowered and more educated than ever before and come with high expectations for engagement with their medical service providers and involvement in managing their healthcare plans. 

 Further driving up patient expectations of their doctor is that theyno longer compare their experiences in healthcare with other providers, instead looking to other industries, like retail, are doing to delight their customers.

 Strategic medical professionals will quickly recognize the value of communicating more with their patients and recognise that they need to play by the rules of the new healthcare marketplace where consumers can ask questions, demand answers and, if necessary, vote with their feet.


In the new marketplace we see the following patient behaviours emerging:

  1.  Patients prefer to use their mobile and digital devices as their primary communication with service providers

  2. The patient is becoming more reliant on online searches to find health information and healthcare providers

  3. Patients expect convenience, irrespective of location

  4. Patients want to fill out forms online

  5. Patients want online access to exam records and treatment plans

  6. Patients want to be educated via digital

This list is by no means exhaustive but does help to focus on key areas to modernise your medical practice by prioritising the patient experience.  

 These include:

 1.    Develop your website as an integral business tool

If you don’t already have one, a well-designed business website is your first step in meeting the demands of your patients. A professional and well managed website not only assists with search success but also provides the ideal platform to provide patients with the information they need.

For existing websites, considerations could be 

·      Does my website convey a distinctive, patient-centric practice mission?

·      What information do my patients need and have I provided for it?

·      Is it regularly updated with practice and industry news?  

·      Does it encourage patient feedback?

·       Is it optimised for mobile devices?


2.     Improve your Marketing ROI via digital application 

Peer referrals are arguably still the most effective way to attract new patients to a medical practice; however, the internet has fundamentally changed word-of-mouth marketing and social media has had a huge impact. As a medical professional you can increase the likelihood for a referral by providing a steady stream of valuable content via social media and other marketing platforms. 

 3.    Audit practice technologies and processes for digital improvements to the patient experience 

Assess your current practice processes and identify areas where you can make life easier for your patients, like offering an online appointment facility, or allowing access to medical records through an online portal, or offering digital patient consent formsthat are a faster and more accurate way for patients to complete the documentation process. 

 At the heart of all of this lies the ability to recognise that advancements in digital technology present us with more and new ways of engaging with our patients and delivering the healthcare experience they have rightly come to expect.

To understand more about how to improve your online visibility, your patients’ experience and, ultimately, your ROI, get in touch with us at Idea Bridge.