Kiss Your Brand

How to Know if Your Business is Flirting


Desire, that inner urge, a kind of universal language, that tantalises us into some of 

the most obscure behaviours. It’s human, the driving need to achieve or to obtain. So 

what then does this carrot flaunt over the whip?  


Aesop’s ‘The Sun and the Wind’ comes to mind:   


The Wind and the Sun were disputing which was the stronger. Suddenly they saw a 

traveller coming down the road, and the Sun said: “I see a way to decide our 

dispute. Whichever of us can cause that traveller to take off his cloak shall be 

regarded as the stronger you begin.”  


So the Sun retired behind a cloud, and the Wind began to blow as hard as it could 

upon the traveller. But the harder he blew the more closely did the traveller wrap 

his cloak round him, till at last the Wind had to give up in despair. Then the Sun 

came out and shone in all his glory upon the traveller, who soon found it too hot to 

walk with his cloak on​. 


Your business and it’s marketing efforts work very much the same. Consumers have 

had relations with these things we call ‘legal entities’, ‘companies’, or ‘enterprises’ for 

decades and will not budge by simply gusting onto them a barrage of messaging.  


Consumers are blasted with advertising messages from over ​5000 sources​ a day and 

there is no one way to coerce an unwilling subject into a purchase. In fact, much like 

The Wind, consumers are hardwired to block out the ‘noise’ of the world. We apply 

cognitive biases, ​ selective perception​ at best or complete omission at worst, onto 

those things that come fast and frequently.  


In my previous post, ​How Third-wave Brands Build Better Business​ , we explored the 

evolution of brand practice as a sustained interaction between business and client 

which has inevitably lead us into an era where firms and consumers are in 

relationships we call brands.  


Your brand is your business’s personality, a living person that actualises their unique 

talents and skills through your value proposition. Think about that. Would you want 

to kiss your brand? If not, then it may be that your brand is that creepy guy in the bar 

that just doesn’t understand a sweet-scented cologne and a genuinely interesting 

conversation goes much further than a slurred, half-thought pickup line.  


The biggest desire of all is to feel appreciated.  


Here are some steps you can take to prep your business for a Titanic-styled smooch:  


Brand Purpose and Value Proposition  

1. Define your special talent, your differentiating value proposition that makes 

you stand out from all the other schmucks in the room. Then figure out why - 

your higher purpose.  


Audience Segmentation and Profiling 

2. What kind of partner would be looking for someone of your skill or purpose? 

Define your consumer and, most importantly, not what they can do for you 

but what it is that you can do for them - your ​ benefits sought​.  


Brand Tone of Voice and Identity  

3. How does your partner prefer being spoken to? Is it someone slightly more 

mature with the desire for a sophisticated language or is it someone a little 

younger, looking for some wit and wildfire?  


Contact Point Planning  

4. Where would they like to go on a date? Think of how you can best integrate 

your services into their lifestyles before you ask them out.  


Step five would be to dress your well-crafted brand strategy in a tailored garment to 

ensure that the length and width fit your business exactly right - first impressions 

count. If you’re unsure of the measurements or materials, we’re able to visualise your 

brand at every contact point to guarantee business-consumer flirtation is as 

memorable as love at first sight.  


The appropriate creative execution is important. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. 

So, whether you’re looking for a dapper, witty, or humble impression, your consumer 

will remember you for how they felt during your interaction and, thereafter, visual 

cues like your dapper tie, witty joke, or humble smile become delightful reminders of 

that brand experience.  


Let me tell you, sometimes they’ll even daydream about you. 


Hopefully, we’ve left you feeling a little red at the thought of your business being 

more adventurous. You’d be surprised at the loyalty you can create from the kind of 

consumer connection that leaves them feeling appreciated.  


Remember; your gentle-mannered persuasion will always beat The Wind in trying to 

get the cloak off. It cannot be blown away but can be voluntarily, seductively slipped 
